Your risk exposure to dying may increase as you age. Your financial exposure to dying may decrease as you age. How do you know how much coverage you need, how long you need it for and where you should buy it? Term life insurance may be a cost-effective way to cover financial exposures as you age and go through life events. With 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40-year fixed and guaranteed term life insurance available now, you can layer your risk. As an example, you could purchase a $1M policy for 40 years, $1M for 30 years and $1M for 20 years for less money than purchasing a $1M whole life policy. If your goal is death benefit protection only, and not cash accumulation, this is a very efficient way to protect your loved ones. Download and print out the Layer Your Life chart, I will show you how to determine what you need and for how long you need it. You then can shop on the website for the most competitive pricing in seconds from multiple companies. You get to pay for only what you need. Howard Wolkowitz is a financial author, educator and fiercely independent life insurance broker.
You can visit and go to his quote engine to see for yourself in seconds how inexpensive term life to age 85 is. If you want to speak with Howard, call 954-558-3673 or email him at [email protected]. Stop overpaying for your current life insurance.
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